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What's the difference between an alpaca and a llama?Alpacas and llamas are members of the camelid family. Llamas are pack animals, and about twice the size of the alpaca. Alpacas grow a prized coat of fiber, and are too small for use as a pack animal. And we think the alpaca is much cuter than its cousin, the llama.
Are reservations needed to visit the farm? Is there a fee to visit?No reservations and no fee. The farm is free to visit during our visitor hours of 11am-4pm (check website for open days, but typically we are closed Tuesdays and Sundays and all of February)! We sell a small bag of alpaca feed for $6 if you want to interact over the fence with the alpacas.
Why do we not allow visitor dogs at the farm?As prey animals, alpacas are always on the alert for predators. And on San Juan Island, with no bears, large cats or coyotes, the alpacas only real predators are domestic dogs. When alpacas see a dog -or anything they perceive as a predator- it causes them stress and they will gather into an alert herd formation and sound their alarm call, a high pitched scream. We have lost alpacas to dogs, as recently as last year, and not just direct attacks can cause injury or death to livestock, but the mere act of chasing can cause stress induced death, or can cause a fall or an injury that is beyond repair. For these reasons, we cannot allow visitor dogs outside of vehicles on farm property, and we appreciate your understanding. Also, the farm is home to our dogs, Oreo and Sheila! Many visitors have met our girls outside or in the store when at the farm. The farm is their territory to feel safe and secure in. We hope our dog-owning visitors understand that their dogs wouldn't want unknown dogs in and out of their home every day. A suggestion for those visiting with dogs that are unable to remain in a vehicle: we are only a mile up the road from English Camp, a lovely, shaded national park on the island which allows dogs on leash. The park has many walking trails, and makes a great spot for those visiting the island to leave their dog in the company of a family member while others get to visit the alpacas up the road! Alpacas are known for living peacefully with dogs, when breeds such as Great Pyrenees, serve as livestock guard dogs and live within the alpaca barn and pasture. Please note that we do allow certified ADA service dogs wearing vests in the store only (not outside) with their owners.
Are there bathrooms at the farm?We have a hand washing station with soap and water for our visitors at the farm who want to wash their hands after feeding. We also keep hand sanitizer in the store entry. From April- October we have a well-maintained, clean porta-potty at the farm for our visitors. Because we are in the countryside, we are -like most rural farms- on a septic system. This means our bathrooms are not equipped to handle waste water in the same way as an urban sewage system could. Most people stop to visit the farm on their way to or from Roche Harbor, English Camp or Lime Kiln State Park, all of which have either full restrooms or pit toilets available! A good tip to keep in mind if access to a porta potty is not what you had in mind, or if you are visiting "off season".
Are there different kinds of alpaca?There are 2 kinds of alpaca - Suri (rhymes with jury) and Huacaya (wha-ki'-ya). Suri comprise about 10% of the world's alpacas, and Huacaya 90%. Suri fiber is long, straight, lustrous, and silky, often shorn every 2 years. Huacaya fiber is dense, crimpy, and warmer than Suri, and shorn annually in late spring. We raise Huacaya alpacas at Krystal Acres.
How often do you shear alpacas?We shear the alpacas once a year, usually right after Memorial Day. Shearing gets all that winter growth off their backs before the warmth of our long Summer days. The fleece grows back slowly over the Summer and into the early Fall, and by Winter it has grown enough to help keep them warm through the colder weather. By shearing time, the alpacas usually have grown about 3 to 4 inches thick of fleece.
How is alpaca fiber different from sheep's wool and other natural fibers?Alpaca fiber is as fine as the finest wool, and is softer than cashmere. It is over 5 times as warm as sheep's wool. Alpaca is very soft, and is ideal for garments worn next to the skin. Alpaca comes in 22 natural colors, the widest range of any animal on the planet. It is among one of the world's most luxurious fibers. Alpaca fiber is stronger and warmer than sheep's wool and holds a much greater wicking capacity. Alpaca fiber is a hollow fiber, so it does not absorb moisture, but rather pushes water away from itself.
Why is alpaca so expensive?There are a few reasons why alpaca fiber and knitwear made from alpaca fiber is so expensive. There are far fewer alpacas in the world than sheep for starters and there is a real lack of industrial infrastructure to process the specialty fiber. There are only about 350,000 alpacas in the U.S.. To put this in to perspective, there are 6 million sheep in the U.S. with mills able to process sheep's wool into yarn at around $18 per pound whereas processing alpaca fiber costs around $38 per pound. Additionally, it costs about $25-$35 to shear one alpaca versus $8-15 to shear one sheep. Mills also need specialty machinery or settings on machinery to process alpaca fiber as it is finer than sheeps' wool, and therefore cannot use the same mill machinery without making major adjustments.
How long do alpacas live?On average an alpaca lives 15-20 years. Our alpacas love living on San Juan Island so much, that one of our girls, Penny, is still grazing the pastures at the ripe old age of 22!!
What do alpacas eat?Alpacas are happy to graze on a nice green pasture and can survive quite well on that diet alone if the pasture is well maintained and has good grasses appropriate for alpacas. We supplement their grazing with a good quality orchard grass hay, and a pelleted alpaca feed. As special treats, alpacas enjoy carrots, apples, and pears.
What is special about baby alpacas?Alpacas have a single baby, called a cria (cree'-ah). It takes over 11 months for the baby to develop, and it weighs between 14 and 20 pounds at birth. Labor is typically short, from 1 to 3 hours, and births are usually daytime events. The cria is weaned at about 6 months to a year. It is also when we train them to lead on a halter.
Is alpaca fiber hypoallergenic?Yes, it is! Alpaca fiber lacks barbs, scales and lanolin. Lanolin is traditionally found in sheep’s wool and irritates many wearers upon contact.
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